Just In: Study Says THIS Type Of Guy Has The Healthiest Sperm
Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm – I mean, it makes sense.
There’s nothing some women find sexier than a man who is intellectually stimulating like me. Being able to pick someone’s brain about certain things without ever growing bored is mentally satisfying, not to mention incredibly hot – Especially when you just know that no one else gets it. Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm
And if he’s a bibliophile? Excuse them while their drawers drop. John Waters said it best:
If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t f**k ’em!
Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm
One of the things that ladies love about smart guys is the fact that we have a way of pulling in every single eye in the room, no matter where we are, who we are with or what we look like. We can be short, tall, have elf ears or a carrot nose, it doesn’t matter – Intelligence will always be their number one turn on.
If you’re a sapiosexual like some ladies (yes, there’s a name for it!) , here’s some news that will make your day. According to The Telegraph, men with bigger IQs have healthier sperm.
Best. News. Ever… I know dearies, I know.
The research suggests that intelligence and humor are biology’s way of attracting a mate. After putting 400 Vietnam War veterans through intense mental tests, the study “found that men who scored high on a battery of intelligence tests boasted high counts of healthy sperm. Whereas, low scorers tended to have fewer and more sickly sperm.” Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm
Oxford University’s Professor Miller seconds the idea that there is a connection between sperm count and IQ levels.
Basically, biology proves what we have known all along: Smart people really are sexy. Thanks for confirming that some ladies have great taste in men (e.g. my humble SELF), science! Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm
So, for those of you who want the muscles with no brains, have fun because that is all it will ever be, and for the amazing ones with the want for Intellectual gurus like me, kudos! This is because you just won yourself not just mad fun but great sperms for your multiplication factor.
Lol… Remember, nothing compares to a beautiful conversation with a beautiful mind and it is always words that undress you.
Smart Dude, Healthy Sperm – It sure is worth it.
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