Harmless Things that will kill you
6 harmless foods that will kill you – Below are harmless food and water that are needed in your body but will definitely kill in care isn’t taken.
1. 120 cups of coffee![6 harmless foods that will kill you]()
Coffee’s great for making you feel more alert and boosting your attention span, and at low doses, it’s perfectly safe.
But at high concentrations, caffeine can cause insomnia, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, and heart problems, and too much in one sitting can be deadly.
The risk of overdoing it is highest for pure powdered caffeine. A single tablespoon of this stuff — the equivalent of about 120 cups of coffee — can kill. During the summer of 2014, two young men died in separate incidents after each drank mixtures of pure powdered caffeine and water.
6 harmless foods that will kill you
2. 6 liters of water
Water regulates the shape of the cells inside our bodies — too much of it, and they puff up like balloons; too little, and they shrink.
An excess of water in and around our cells is called water intoxication, or hyponatremia. Drinking too much water, something athletes can do accidentally while training, can cause it. A 2005 study of 2002 Boston Marathon runners, for example, found that about 1/6th of the runners they studied had a mild form of the condition, with symptoms ranging from nausea to vomiting. 6 harmless foods that will kill you
But an extreme case of water intoxication takes its worst toll on the brain, where our tightly-packed neurons have little room to accommodate the extra water. A variety of neurological problems can result, from headaches to confusion, seizures, and, in rare untreated cases, death.
One of the most well-known cases of water intoxication happened in 2007, when 28-year-old Californian Jennifer Strange downed six liters of water in under three hours as part of a radio station contest. Strange died a few hours later.
3. 22 Apples![6 harmless foods that will kill you]()
Apples are delicious, and hardly deadly. But their seeds contain trace amounts of a sugar-cyanide compound that turns into the potentially lethal toxin hydrogen cyanide when it’s processed in the body.
6 harmless foods that will kill you
It’s estimated that apple seeds average around 700 miligrams of hydrogen cyanide per kilogram of dry weight, and about 1.5 miligrams of cyanide per kilogram of body weight can kill. That means you’d have to chew up and swallow about a half a cup of apple seeds in one sitting, or about 19-24 whole apples, to put yourself at risk.
Symptoms of mild cyanide poisoning include confusion, dizziness, headache, and vomiting. Bigger doses can lead to problems breathing and kidney failure and, in rare cases and if left untreated, death.
If you’re planning on noshing on a lot of apples at some point in the future (and you’re a little paranoid about the idea of poisoning), swallow the seeds whole. They’re more likely to pass through your digestive system unharmed this way. 6 harmless foods that will kill you
4. 84 chocolate bars
6 harmless foods that will kill you – Although it tastes delicious to us, chocolate contains enough of the toxic chemical theobromine to kill a small animal (that’s why you can’t feed it to pets).
The same ingredient can kill people too, but because we metabolize it so much better than cats or dogs, we’d have to eat far more of it to have any serious health effects.
In people, a potentially deadly dose of theobromine would be about 1,000 milligrams per kilogram, or the equivalent of about 85 full-sized chocolate bars. For cats, though, it’s just a fifth of that amount — so just a few small pieces of the candy could be dangerous.
5. 13 shots of alcohol in rapid succession.
You know drinking can blur your vision, slur your speech, mess with your memory, and make you slower to react.
But those same effects can be deadly if we drink too much too quickly. 6 harmless foods that will kill you
Between 2006 and 2012, some 88,000 Americans died from excessive alcohol consumption. Many of these deaths were caused by alcohol poisoning, a glut of alcohol in the bloodstream which can cause the areas of the brain that control the functions that keep our bodies running – like our breathing and consciousness – to shut down.
Alcohol poisoning typically happens during a binge, when someone drinks a large amount of alcohol over a short period. For the average person, about 13 shots in the span of a few hours would be enough to kill, but the number varies widely depending on size, gender, and a variety of other factors.
6. A bunch of other snacks![6 harmless foods that will kill you]()
A 2008 study found that the top 10 foods that are the most likely to cause choking in young children are hot dogs, peanuts, carrots, boned chicken, candy, meat, popcorn, fish with bones, sunflower seeds, and apples.
To avoid most of these hazards, de-bone chicken and fish, cut up hot dogs and apples into small pieces before giving them to kids, and avoid giving small children candy, peanuts, carrots, and sunflower seeds.
And those were the 6 harmless foods that will kill you, be careful and ingest wisely.
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