Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition 2015 (THE FINALS)
Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition – The event kicked off by 1:20pm on the 29th of May, 2015 with the calling of important personalities to the High table, after which the court sitting commenced with everyone rising up for his Lordship in person of Barrister O.L Udemezue (a practicing lawyer). The case which was a civil matter with the plaintiff demanding compensation in form of damages to the tune of 5 million Naira saw great and interesting arguments brought forward by the remaining three schools leading with ESUT to UNIBEN and finally NAU, the host.

Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition
The Judge who at some point in time put on his Ray-ban Abacha Shades listened enthusiastically to their various views and confiscated the cell phone of one of the competitors which in reality can be held to be a contempt of court proceedings. Motions were moved, applications filed and judicial authorities cited to back up arguments.
Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition
The Moot Court went on recess by 3:35pm which was a great time for the profile of the man sponsoring the event to be read to participants and attendees. The man himself in person of SIR B.E.I NWOFOR walked over to the podium with all decorum and like a gentleman of the bar, which I clearly saw and have heard lawyers should be. He gave a heartfelt speech while encouraging the law students to work hard to be greater than him and be recognized in the bar and their community as a whole. He also talked about the legal education and how grateful he is to be part of it.
Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition

Court reconvened at 5:40pm to hear the rulings of the court and know what fate holds for them all. After giving reasons on why some arguments failed, his Lordship awarded marks to the participants with ESUT having 66, UNIBEN 76 and the host NAU 71, thereby making UNIBEN the winners of this year SUG MOOT COURT COMPETITION and going away with the sum of a 100 thousand naira, the 1st runners up who were the winners last year got the sum of 70,000 while the 2nd place with 50,000.
It was electrifying and the tension high but the best team came out victorious. I do not like the law court but enjoyed this particular proceeding. And that is it for the Sir BEI Nwofor Moot Court Competition 2015
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